
Thursday, June 19, 2014

Hair Growth with Healthy Exercise Techniques (Part 2 of 2)

Hair Growth with Healthy Exercise Techniques -by L.J. O'Neal Healthy Hair Growth: Exercise Your Hair

What is ‘Hair Exercise? Hair Exercise is a simple phrase I coined (at least, I think I made it up) to describe exercise you do that increases blood flow to the scalp and helps reduce neck strain. It's specific physical exercise targeted for the head. Why is ‘Hair Exercise’ important? It gradually improves blood circulation and nourishment to hair roots, thus promoting hair growth.

‘Hair Exercise’ Examples

Yoga postures can help promote hair growth. Try out a few: 

Yoga Postures to Prevent Hair Loss

Neck rolls: While sitting upright, gently bend your head to your chest, then roll to your shoulder, your back, opposite shoulder, returning to your chest. Do this three times. Next, roll your head in the opposite direction for three more times. With your chin on your chest, take a deep cleansing breath, and then exhale.

Waist bend: Keep legs slightly apart; bend over gently and lean forward until your head is below waist level; gently massage your scalp for about thirty seconds. Rise up and massage your scalp again in a standing position. 

Hair Growth with Healthy Exercise Techniques -by L.J. O'Neal Healthy Hair Growth: Exercise Your Body

Why is physical exercise important for hair growth? Our serotonin levels in the brain are increased with proper physical exercise and that makes us happy. When we’re happy, we feel a sense of balance and wellbeing. Our entire body feels the effects of regular physical exercise, along with a healthy diet, including our hair follicles. If our regular physical exercise routine includes cardio and aerobic activity, cortisone can be reduced in our bodies, thus promoting (you guessed it) hair growth. 

Use healthy hair exercise techniques for your mind and body
your hair will love you for it!

 Author: L.J. O'Neal, writer and researcher. (L.J. is also a Lustrous Henna® user.)
©2010-2014. L.J. O’Neal. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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