Remember These Tips for Great Natural Hair?
Have you read our blog posts on natural hair tips? If you haven’t kept up, here are a few reminders:
Hair Loss: Shikakai
Shikakai is known as, “fruit for hair”. Shikakai conditions from the hair root and is used as a mild cleansing shampoo in India; an excellent cleanser for natural hair. It’s very mild with a naturally low pH. Shikakai is also known to promote hair growth by nourishing the scalp at the glandular level. It also can strengthen hair roots. (This is good news for anybody transitioning from a chemical perm or relaxer to natural hair that might be worried about hair loss).However, it’s important to remember that, traditionally, prior to washing the hair with plants containing Saponin (like soap nuts or the healthy hair growth plant, Shikakai), the user massages the scalp at the hair root with coconut oil or castor oil.
Hair Loss and Split Ends Treatment:
Amla and Shikakai Combination
Amla (Indian Gooseberry) is used as an ancient treatment to maintain healthy hair. Amla especially is renowned for its healing effect on the hair (it nourishes dry scalp, stops hair loss and makes it manageable) and nowadays is used in spas.
Massage the scalp with coconut oil or castor oil. Then:
Combine 2 tablespoons each of Amla Powder and Shikakai Powder; add enough (room temperature) water to make into a paste. Apply to hair. Cover with plastic cap for approximately 10-15 minutes. Rinse out thoroughly.
This is an excellent remedy for split ends.
Regular Maintenance Required for Great-Looking Natural Hair
If we rarely attempt to provide proper care for our hair, then we shouldn't expect miraculous results from minimal efforts. A regular routine must be established and adhered to if we want to minimize hair loss and promote hair growth. Over time, this regular routine will become a very simple process as we accustom ourselves to it.1. Daily hair care.
2. Weekly or biweekly: mild shampoo and regular conditioning.
3. Monthly deep conditioning.
4. Use natural, herbal products that are proven to stop hair loss and promote hair growth.
5. Clip split ends every 2-3 months as necessary, but use extreme caution: don’t cut off your hair growth!
A word of caution about clipping split ends:
To grow longer hair, NEVER clip more than 1/8”-1/4” (inch) per month. If we do, we’ll literally be cutting away our new hair growth! The reason is that most hair grows about 1/2” (inch) per month, totaling six (6) inches a year. Do the math. This is totally within our control. A tiny snipping of split ends is all that is really necessary, especially if we want to see visible hair growth results.
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