Chemicals in Hair Dye Are a Cause for Worry
Hair salon and consumer hair coloring formulas use a high number of toxic chemicals in their formulas. In one analysis of popular brands and formulations, Consumer Reports found nearly 20 different ingredients that were classified as potential human carcinogens “Conventional dyes contain high level of toxic chemicals that can be absorbed through the scalp, where there is a rich blood supply. Then these chemicals circulate throughout your body, where they can be stored in the tissues and cause adverse health effects," says Marianne Marchese, ND, who practices natural medicine at a Woman's Time Clinic in Portland, Oregon.
The number of hair stylists, clients and consumers using home hair dye kits who suffer from allergic contact dermatitis is on the increase. Allergic contact dermatitis is a serious warning sign that hair dye “chemical overload” is affecting you.
Dermatologists in New Zealand have documented extensive studies pertaining to hair dye use and allergic contact dermatitis.
For photos and further details, read: Allergy to Paraphenylenediamine.
Try an Alternate Solution to Chemical Hair Dye 'Beauty'
Avoid allergic contact dermatitis and use an all-natural plant-based hair color dye to promote natural beauty. Fortunately, a nontoxic alternative to synthetic hair colorants does exist: Lustrous Henna ® 100% Natural Hair Dye.
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