
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Product Innovation: Lustrous Henna

“Product Innovation: Lustrous Henna” by L.J. O’Neal, writerProduct Innovation Defined

“The development and market introduction of a new, redesigned or substantially improved good or service. Examples of product innovation by a business might include a new product’s invention; technical specification and quality improvements made to a product; or the inclusion of new components, materials or desirable functions into an existing product.” –BusinessDictionary.com1

“Product innovation is the creation and subsequent introduction of a good or service that is either new, or improved on previous goods or services. This is broader than the normally accepted definition of innovation to include invention of new products which, in this context, are still considered innovative.” –Wikipedia.org2

Product Innovation: Lustrous Henna

Lustrous Henna® 100% natural hair dye is a nontoxic alternative to synthetic and damaging hair colorants. Therefore, Lustrous Henna® 100% natural hair dye is an innovation in hair color treatment.
Traditional henna hair coloring is an all-natural, plant based hair color dye that promotes natural hair color beauty, but it can take several hours from start to finish of dye release and application. Fortunately, the Lustrous Henna® method of application solves this tedious process. It's a combination of ancient pure henna hair dye with modern technology. It's much easier to apply and has a quicker dye release than traditional plain pure henna hair dye. Hair is colored in about  90 minutes or less. This is real product innovation.

Product Innovation: Lustrous Henna®
  • 100% natural hair color is a dramatic improvement  for natural hair coloring (read above).
  • Available in many different shades, unlike traditional henna hair dye.
  • Nontoxic, contains no chemicals such as para-phenlenediamine (PPD). It's PPD-free! It does not contain ammonia, peroxide, or other synthetic dyes.
  • Praised for its benefits by its happy and satisfied users, male or female.

 Author: L.J. O'Neal, writer and researcher. (L.J. is also a Lustrous Henna® user.)
©2010-2014. L.J. O’Neal. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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 *Even though our herbal ingredients have been used in natural medicine for centuries, we must add the following disclaimer: The herbs, formulas, and recipes contained within this web site are not to be considered substitutes for proper medical and health care. As with any other medicine, if you are sick, you should consult a physician to find out if the herbal preparations listed here are right for you. Saba Botanical does not make any medical claims nor warranties regarding the use of the products listed on this site. No matter how natural a product is, it may have a potential of causing side effects and allergic reaction on certain individuals. You should consult your physician before taking any medication.