Sharing Your Pain:
Allergic Contact Dermatitis
It’s painful to read of the physical and emotional scarring and distress caused by allergic contact dermatitis from hair dye chemicals such as, PPD (para-phenylenediamine), especially if you’ve suffered the same sad consequences. Yet, it still helps to share and learn of a solution to this dangerous substance and the potential adverse reaction it can cause to the user –even after years of use with no apparent problems. According to many dermatologists, there are many cases of men and women who suffered from allergic reaction to permanent chemical dyes, PPD (para-phenylenediamine). Some have been dying their hair for many years; then suddenly they’re faced with a severe allergic reaction to chemical hair dye. They yearn for an alternative solution. I’ve included a few comments to give you an idea of what the sufferer feels.*
Allergic Contact Dermatitis Sufferer Comments
“Dyed my moustache hair using permanent hair dye. I've had a very bad reaction around my mouth, which has left me looking like a swollen duck. Corticosteroid cream I think only made it worse. I am now just using Flamazine to treat any infection. The area is extremely swollen and burns and itches like hell. Does anyone know if this will be permanent? My concern is that its not just a skin reaction which usually clears up, but an actual chemical burn which of course may never clear up.” –Danny.“I have been dying my hair for many years, and suddenly I have developed an allergic reaction, along my hairline and behind my ears, it was pretty serious, I am on medication, but I desperately need to dye my hair, is there anything I can use, I was told to use non-permanent hair dye, Do you think it will be alright to use?”
“I'm 47years old & have been highlighting my hair for years. The last 5 years I've been coloring my whole head. I started having an allergic reaction 6 months ago with itchy swollen eyes every day. I have been blaming it on hormone changes due to the start of menopause. But on Sunday, I had the worst reaction to date. Not only did my eyes swell, but also my whole face blew up and my neck as well. I had severe itching and weeping behind my ears and started to feel tingling in my left hand. I had prednisone prescribed and it helped by the night. I can't believe that no one has developed a color without that horrific chemical ppd. I know I cannot color my hair again; I truly fear after this reaction. I hate the thought of going gray, but my life is more important than that.” –Monica.
The Natural Hair Dye Answer
In addition to giving you an understanding of just how real chemical dye allergy is I want share news of a proven, safe and natural alternative.There is a 100% natural and proven hair treatment that will color your hair in beautiful, radiant shades. Lustrous Henna® has been used happily by many former sufferers of chemical hair dye and PPD allergy, including its creator: Syed Abbas and yours truly: L.J. O’Neal. Read more about Lustrous Henna®. It is a plant-based herbal hair color dye and is PPD-free, peroxide-free and ammonia-free. Learn about Lustrous Henna® ingredients.
*Source on file. Spelling and grammar errors have been corrected. Commenters’ names are on file, but have been changed in this article.
©2010-2015. L.J. O'Neal. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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*Even though our herbal ingredients have been used in natural medicine for centuries, we must add the following disclaimer: The herbs, formulas, and recipes contained within this web site are not to be considered substitutes for proper medical and health care. As with any other medicine, if you are sick, you should consult a physician to find out if the herbal preparations listed here are right for you. Saba Botanical does not make any medical claims nor warranties regarding the use of the products listed on this site. No matter how natural a product is, it may have a potential of causing side effects and allergic reaction on certain individuals. You should consult your physician before taking any medication.