BEWARE: 'Black Henna' Hair Dye is a Misnomer
'Black Henna' hair dye is not pure, nor is it pure henna. Pure henna is a green plant (Lawsonia inermis)and the green leaves are dried, crushed and powdered. When used alone it will turn the hair an orange-red color. If it is properly used with pure indigo, the hair will dye to black. If it is mixed with a very toxic chemical called, para-phenylenediamine (PPD), “coal tar”, it can lead to dangerous consequences.The following product example highlighted in yellow, is NOT and NEVER WILL BE, a product from Saba Botanical of USA.
Black Henna Hair Color*
“We are engaged in offering comprehensive range of Black Henna Hair Oil that is manufactured using extreme quality of natural herbs as a raw material. These are renewed for excellent results like soft black colored hair, shiny, fragrance, easy to use and many more. We export these Black Henna dyes in various parts of the world at competitive prices.”
“Several ingredients used in black henna are as follows:
- Henna (Lawsonia Inermus )
- Amla (Emblica Officinalis)
- Shikakai (Acacia Concinna)
- Para Phenylenediamine
- Barium Peroxide
- Citric Acid
- Magnesium Carbonate”
Let the buyer BEWARE –before they buy!
REMINDER: When deciding on what natural products to buy, get to know the company that you’re dealing with and its reputation; as well as the reputation of its products. It’s far better to be safe, than to suffer by being misinformed.
*Source on file.
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*Even though our herbal ingredients have been used in natural medicine for centuries, we must add the following disclaimer: The herbs, formulas, and recipes contained within this web site are not to be considered substitutes for proper medical and health care. As with any other medicine, if you are sick, you should consult a physician to find out if the herbal preparations listed here are right for you. Saba Botanical does not make any medical claims nor warranties regarding the use of the products listed on this site. No matter how natural a product is, it may have a potential of causing side effects and allergic reaction on certain individuals. You should consult your physician before taking any medication.