Eczema Treatment Reminders
We all need them, so here are a few regarding eczema treatment done naturally.Since eczema in an infirmity that starts within the body, it is essential to treat the inner body in an attempt to control the condition at the roots and stop allergic reactions. Thus the mind and vital organs need to proper care.
Eliminate or lessen causes of stress: Reduce anxiety and anger by using relaxation exercises found in yoga, meditation and walking.
Maintain a balance, healthy diet: Low fat foods are very helpful. Turmeric is known to soothe the skin, therefore adding it to food dishes and see if it’s helpful.
Hydrate from the inside: DRINK WATER!
Eliminate trigger foods: There are varying opinions on what foods to eliminate from the diet. Therefore, try eliminating one well-known “eczema-flaring” food at a time, week-by-week, to find out what your trigger foods are. Then completely eliminate them from your diet to avoid further allergic reactions. The following foods and spices have been suggested as possible eczema trigger foods: cashew and other nuts, cucumbers, radishes, pickles, curds, mustard, oranges, papaya, watermelon, ice cream. Reduce the use of: salt, onion, okra, ginger, certain oils and spice (trial and error).
Take care of the outer body
Protect Your Skin
Keep skin properly hydrated: Pure Reetha Powder Organic Wash. Reetha Fruit is an ancient botanical used for full body bath soaks or pastes applied to affected area. Oatmeal baths have also been known to provide some relief from eczema.Bathe in warm water instead of hot water: Adding olive oil to the bath water is known to bring relief to some sufferers. Before drying off, apply castor oil or other emollient to affected areas (avoiding eyes). Use a soft towel to lightly and gently dry your skin.
Avoid wool or any fabric that cause the skin to itch and become irritated.
Use natural oils and butters known for their emollient and skin protection abilities:Olive oil, shea butter, hemp oil, castor oil (very thick; use at night, if heaviness is an issue)
Protect Yourself from the Environment
If you live in a cold or dry climate, it’s very important to use the given suggestions to protect your skin from the elements: sun, heat, cold weather, etc.Wear clothing, hats, gloves and shoes that won’t aggravate your skin.
Eczema Treatment Requires Patience
Eczema affects many adults as well as children and babies and there are no "quick fixes" for eczema treatment. Be patient.Especially, when visible by others, it can be embarrassing. It can also affect your whole self-image, thus lowering self-esteem.
Modern medical eczema treatment aims to control the symptoms by reducing inflammation and relieving itching. Ancient traditional methods do more and have provided an effective natural remedy for allergic reactions with this troublesome condition for many sufferers for centuries.
To reduce allergic reactions, it will take persistence. However, real natural healing can be achieved with earnest effort and time.
Seek Professional Help for Natural Eczema Treatment
This article is only a brief review of natural eczema treatment associated with mild to moderate cases of eczema or atopic dermatitis. For more complete care on eliminating allergic reactions from eczema naturally, please see a physician or therapist well-trained in ancient natural medicinal treatment.
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*Even though our herbal ingredients have been used in natural medicine for centuries, we must add the following disclaimer: The herbs, formulas, and recipes contained within this web site are not to be considered substitutes for proper medical and health care. As with any other medicine, if you are sick, you should consult a physician to find out if the herbal preparations listed here are right for you. Saba Botanical does not make any medical claims nor warranties regarding the use of the products listed on this site. No matter how natural a product is, it may have a potential of causing side effects and allergic reaction on certain individuals. You should consult your physician before taking any medication.