Hair Dye and Textile Dyeing
WARNING: Metallic Salts -Extreme Caution MUST Be Used in Textile Dyeing
Generally, in natural textile dyeing, the objective in selecting a mordant (a substance that sets the dye) -is to try and select the least toxic one! Metallic salts are commonly used as a mordant in textile dyeing and a tremendous amount of caution has to be exercised to avoid toxic reaction.
WARNING: Metallic Salts -a Toxic Poison in Hair Dyeing
Human hair fiber should definitely be treasured and treated with more care than the clothes on our backs. Shouldn't caution of the highest extreme be used when selecting a hair dye to color our hair ‘fibers’? Yet, drug store and beauty supply houses are lined with shelves of these toxic hair dyes!In fact, care must be exercised even when purchasing what we believe to be 'natural' henna hair dye mixes. Reading ingredient labels is absolutely essential. However, some countries aren't required to even list their ingredients on the label and these products are being exported to the United States and other countries! Unsuspecting consumers reason that if they are being sold at the local retail store, then they must be safe to use.
Metallic salt is included in the ingredients of the majority of chemical hair dye products, as well as so-called ‘natural compound henna’ hair dye mixes. Unknowingly, many consumers are misled by advertising that motivate them to use harmful hair dyes in the pursuit of more youthful looks.
For instance, the hair dyes for men, that gradually cover gray hair are filled with metallic salt. These dyes have been banned in many European countries. However, they’re easily found on the grocery shelves in the U.S.A. and a few other countries. In view of the toxicity of these ingredients, why take a chance with your health and hair? Avoid potential adverse dermatological reactions from these and other chemical ingredients.
Stay away from faulty hair dye packaging! A few years ago, I wanted to try what I thought was natural hair color dye. I ordered a premixed “natural” henna hair dye from an online store and suffered a severe allergic reaction from the metallic salt that was in the product (even though the henna compound did not contain PPD). My hair fell out in spots and my scalp broke out in horrible blisters. I had to wear a wig for months until my hair grew back and my skin cleared. That was the sad end of using chemical hair dyes -and the search for totally natural hair color- for me!
Avoid Metallic Salt in Hair Dyes –Go Totally Natural.
Use a truly all natural henna hair dye. Even the FDA approves of it as totally natural hair color dye. Traditionally, you could do your own mixing of plants and herbs to color your hair. Then wait literally for hours for the dye release to take place, before applying the paste on your hair –but you no longer have to. Quite frankly, most folks just don’t have the time.Saba Botanical of USA has contributed in groundbreaking research and promotion of nontoxic, natural solutions for dyeing natural hair color -with a quick dye release. This has led to the creation of Lustrous Henna, a top quality plant-based, natural hair color dye, mixed with other completely all natural botanicals to create more than ten shades of totally natural hair color. They also carry top quality pure henna for traditional mixing, body art quality henna and a variety of other all-natural botanicals for healthier hair care.
Metallic Salts and Textile dye - Cautions about mordants
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*Even though our herbal ingredients have been used in natural medicine for centuries, we must add the following disclaimer: The herbs, formulas, and recipes contained within this web site are not to be considered substitutes for proper medical and health care. As with any other medicine, if you are sick, you should consult a physician to find out if the herbal preparations listed here are right for you. Saba Botanical does not make any medical claims nor warranties regarding the use of the products listed on this site. No matter how natural a product is, it may have a potential of causing side effects and allergic reaction on certain individuals. You should consult your physician before taking any medication.