Natural Hair: Hair Dye Redefined
A brief look into the dictionary can clarify our understanding the following terms, used in reference to hair dye:Invention: something invented: as (1) : a product of the imagination; (2): a device, contrivance, or process originated after study and experiment.
Benefit: a: something that promotes well-being : advantage b : useful aid : help
Consequence: something produced by a cause or necessarily following from a set of conditions (the economic consequences of the war).

Chemical/Synthetic Hair Dye
Invention: According to history, Eugene Schueller invented permanent hair color synthetic dye in 1907. Benefits: Easier to cover gray, make a fashion statement or even ‘reinvent’ one’s self with 'natural' hair.
Consequences: Unfortunately, there are sad consequences that have been suffered by many users of synthetic dye containing harsh chemicals. They range from severe skin allergy-to hair loss-to being linked with different forms of cancer after prolonged use.

100% All Natural Plant-Based Hair Dye
Invention: Working in collaboration with AMA Herbal Company of India, Syed Abbas of Saba Botanical of USA made a breakthrough discovery in the ancient tradition of all natural hair coloring. Combining pure henna with other natural plant and vegetable ingredients, Lustrous Henna® was invented to color natural hair with nature. Saba Botanical of USA is the proud home of Lustrous Henna®.Benefits: The benefits are similar to other dyes: covering gray, making a fashion statement, ‘reinventing’ one’s self with truly natural hair. The natural dye release is much quicker than traditional henna, which involves several hours to complete.
Consequences: The ‘consequences’ are: many happy, satisfied men and women who no longer suffer damage from harsh chemical dyes. In fact, the ancient ingredients in Lustrous Henna®, have been used for centuries of traditional hair conditioning, hair growth and healthy maintenance.
*Source: Merriam-Webster Dictionary.
Additional Information: Saba Botanical of USA: Knowledge Base. Saba Botanical Webpage: About Lustrous Henna, Saba Botanical of USA: Select Lustrous Henna and General Process of Application.
©2010-2015. L.J. O'Neal. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Do not copy or reprint this article without the consent of the author or Saba Botanical of USA.
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*Even though our herbal ingredients have been used in natural medicine for centuries, we must add the following disclaimer: The herbs, formulas, and recipes contained within this web site are not to be considered substitutes for proper medical and health care. As with any other medicine, if you are sick, you should consult a physician to find out if the herbal preparations listed here are right for you. Saba Botanical does not make any medical claims nor warranties regarding the use of the products listed on this site. No matter how natural a product is, it may have a potential of causing side effects and allergic reaction on certain individuals. You should consult your physician before taking any medication.