Hair Loss: Reduce
Our Emotional Stress and Keep Our Tresses
Hair loss can be
reduced naturally and our hair can grow. Some hair loss issues
can be corrected by reducing emotional stress as much as possible. Yes indeed,
undue emotional stress and anxiety and cause us to literally lose our tresses.If hair loss is a temporary condition, due to undue emotional stress, temporary illness or similar issue, then proven home remedies and ancient natural cures can help stop hair loss (hair fall). Natural cures include a change in diet (quite beneficial) and the reduction of extreme emotional stress. Exercise (also a part of natural cures) help improves overall health and can boost self-esteem while treating some causes of hair loss (hair fall).
The botanical extracts and powders on the Saba Botanical of USA website are well-known to be natural cures for hair loss (hair fall), used for literally centuries. In our modern day, they have proven to be truly beneficial home remedies.

Hair Loss Conditions Beyond Our Control
However, what if we have made tremendous efforts to care
for and grow our hair, yet sadly we still experience problems with hair
loss or hair fall? Like an unhealthy plant that ‘sickens’ and fails to
grow after receiving tremendous care, the problem could be a medical issue.Do we have an ongoing medical treatment known to cause hazardous effects on the hair? Even aging itself can cause our hair to become thinner, since the follicle is in a much longer resting phase, instead of the growing phase. There are several other conditions that are beyond our control and these sadly affect our (lack of) hair growth. It’s best to visit and work with our physician for optimal care if we suffer hair loss due to a medical or aging issue.
- Am I experiencing hormonal changes due to pregnancy, postpartum and nursing?
- Is my hair thinning due to male pattern baldness?
- Am I under lots of stress?
- Do I suffer from a glandular disorder such as thyroid disease or PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome)?
- Am I taking medications that can cause hair loss?
- Do I have a low iron (ferritin) level?
Dedication CAN Stop Hair Loss and Grow Our Hair
While taking care of all the things within our power to control, it can grow abundantly with healthy and strong roots. We can achieve successful results by putting forth a dedicated and earnest effort.
Are we dedicated to a healthy hair growth routine? If not, now is the time to get started and promote hair growth. Our earnest efforts can become the solution to a healthy growing head of hair.
Author: L.J. O'Neal, writer and researcher. (L.J. is also a Lustrous Henna® user.)
©2010-2013. L.J. O’Neal. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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*Even though our herbal ingredients have been used in natural medicine for centuries, we must add the following disclaimer: The herbs, formulas, and recipes contained within this web site are not to be considered substitutes for proper medical and health care. As with any other medicine, if you are sick, you should consult a physician to find out if the herbal preparations listed here are right for you. Saba Botanical does not make any medical claims nor warranties regarding the use of the products listed on this site. No matter how natural a product is, it may have a potential of causing side effects and allergic reaction on certain individuals. You should consult your physician before taking any medication.