Traditional Henna Hair Dye
According to Wikipedia, the history of using henna to dye skin (including body art), hair, fingernails- even leather, silk and wool, goes back to the Bronze Age. There is an Indian court record of its use as a hair dye during the 4th century.With a such a background and history, it is no wonder that many men and women have had no fear using henna as an all natural hair dye. Unfortunately there are two (2) major issues most people in modern society have with the traditional pure henna hair dye application method:
Solely using pure henna to color hair produces a hair color that is not very attractive on most complexions. Henna hair dye generally produces bright, bright red hair! Actually, it's a red-orange or orange-red (take your pick). Do you really want bright red hair?... (Didn't think so).
Traditional pure henna application can take several hours, sometimes a full day to achieve the desired results. This is because you must wait hours for the hair dye to release after mixing the powder. Then wait longer after application of the hair dye for complete henna hair color results.
Obviously, in this modern age, even this traditional method of henna application could use some rescuing. However, before we address how to resolve the henna hair dye 'bright red hair' issue and the extremely lengthy application method, let's learn more about the henna plant.
The Henna Plant
The henna plant is larger than most of us would probably imagine. It actually grows is size from the height of a tall shrub of 6 ½ feet to a small tree of close to 20 feet high (2-6 m). As we note in the picture, the henna plant has numerous branches with spiny tubes attached to delicate flowers with white or red stamens. It contains capsules of fruit with approximately 30-50 seeds.
Where is the henna plant grown, you ask? It's native to various regions of Africa, Southern Asia, and Northern Australasia. The highest natural dye content is produced in tropical and tropical arid zones. Like most plants, henna flourishes during rainy season. It also loves the heat. It grows in temperatures of 95˚-115˚F (35˚-45˚C). It’s cultivated various countries in Africa and the Middle East. However, the Pali district in India cultivates and produces the most henna in today’s marketplace.
Rescuing the Henna Hair Dye "Bright Red Hair" and Lengthy Henna Application Process
Lustrous Henna® is a completely all natural hair color dye. It's made by combining pure henna with natural botanical ingredients and comes in various shades including a lovely shade of red. No more bright red hair! Lustrous Henna® comes in a total of nine (9) natural hair color shades: soft black, dark brown, brown, mahogany, red, blonde, medium blonde, golden blonde and medium-golden blonde.
The traditional henna application is no longer a tedious waiting game. The quicker application process of Lustrous Henna® hair dye is a real time saver when compared the traditional method of henna application. It usually takes about 90 minutes from start to finish.
Natural hair is not only left with a radiant color but it is conditioned by the pure henna and other botanical ingredients. Lustrous Henna ® all natural hair dye also is appropriately named because hair is conditioned and the natural hair color looks and feels soft, supple and...well, lustrous.
Author: L.J. O'Neal, writer and researcher. (L.J. is also a Lustrous Henna® user.)
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