The 3 Phases of Our Hair Growth
All human hair growth follows a specific cycle of three phases: 1.) the anagen or growth phase. 2.) the catagen or regressing phase and 3.) the telogen or resting phase. Each phase has several sub-phases. The actual time these phases last, varies from person to person. Different hair color and follicle shape affects the timings of these phases. Let’s discuss the hair follicle.*Hair Follicle Formation
Hair follicle formation takes place before the start of the hair growth cycle. A shedding exogen phase occurs apart from the three phases previously mentioned. During this phase, one of several hairs from a single follicle may exit.
Anagen Phase
Most of the time, 90% of hair follicles are in the anagen or active growth phase. During this period, the cells in the hair root are rapidly dividing, adding to the hair shaft. The hair grows about one-half inch every 28 days. The scalp’s active growth phase lasts for 2-7 years. Genetic play a huge part in determining how long this stage will last.
Catagen Phase
When the anagen phase ends, the follicle then starts the catagen or regressing phase. This is a transitional stage that signals the end of the active growth of the hair follicle. Usually, about 10-14% of hair follicles are in the catagen phase. This phase lasts approximately 2-3 weeks, while a club hair is formed.Telogen Phase
Normally, only 1-2% of hair follicles are in the telogen or resting phase. This phase lasts approximately 3 months. When a club hair is formed, this signals the end of the telogen phase. Club hair is a dead, fully keratinized hair. About 51-100 club hairs are shed daily from a normal healthy scalp.How to Take Care of Your Hair
There you have it. Now you know how it grows. To learn how to take care of your hair visit the Saba Botanical of USA Knowledge Base and learn all about it. *Source: Wikipedia.
Author: L.J. O'Neal, writer and researcher. (L.J. is also a Lustrous Henna® user.)
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