I want to make my own personal style statement.
My friends are doing it and look hot, so what’s wrong with that?
Instead of going the “permanent chemical color” route, have you thought about bringing out your own natural highlights? That’s right. Your own highlights not only make your best style statement –they'll make you look very hot! The good news is that you don’t have to take a chance with your health either –if you go natural. Using an all-natural plant-based hair color dye in a variety of shade choices will help you create a personal style you will be proud to rock.
Ahem…now on a more serious note-
Please read the report below and think of the potentially serious allergies and other consequences that can occur with increased use of permanent chemical hair dyes.
Allergy to hair dye increasing
“Allergic reactions to hair dye are increasing as more and younger people dye their hair, warn researchers.This can lead to dermatitis on the face and, in severe cases, facial swelling may occur.
More than two thirds of hair dyes currently contain para-phenylenediamine (PPD) and other related agents. During the 20th century, allergic reactions to PPD became such a serious problem that it was banned from hair dyes in Germany, France, and Sweden.
Market research also indicates that more people are dying their hair and are doing so at a younger age… Severe hair dye reactions among children have also recently been reported.
‘Wider debate on the safety and composition of hair dyes is overdue’, say the authors. Cultural and commercial pressures to dye hair are putting people at risk and increasing the burden on health services.
It may not be easy to reverse these trends, however, as some patients have continued to use such dyes even when advised that they are allergic to them and risk severe reactions, they conclude.”
Why risk your health when who you REALLY want be is YOU? Naturally.
So go ahead.
As a woman, it is even more important that my hair stays healthy and beautiful.
I recently developed an allergy to 'traditional' chemical hair dyes and read that fellow Middle Eastern (Belly) Dancers followed in the footsteps of Cleopatra and treated their hair with henna.
And so I did.
And I was amazed!
Not only did the beautiful henna from Saba Botanical give me the color promised, it also brought my chemically treated, dried, lifeless hair back to health!
No longer stiff and lifeless, my silky hair now shimmers in the light with low and high lights beaming through the rich color.
Thank you SO much for a wonderful product that makes me healthier and my hair more beautiful!
Gia al Qamar
NJ Belly Dancer and Middle Eastern Dance Instructor
Want to view our website? Go to:www.SabaBotanical.com Author: L.J. O'Neal, writer and researcher.L.J. is also a Lustrous Henna® user.
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*Even though our herbal ingredients have been used in natural medicine for centuries, we must add the following disclaimer: The herbs, formulas, and recipes contained within this web site are not to be considered substitutes for proper medical and health care. As with any other medicine, if you are sick, you should consult a physician to find out if the herbal preparations listed here are right for you. Saba Botanical does not make any medical claims nor warranties regarding the use of the products listed on this site. No matter how natural a product is, it may have a potential of causing side effects and allergic reaction on certain individuals. You should consult your physician before taking any medication.
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