If Henna Hair Dye is the Answer...Then 'What Was the Question?'
The question is: Where do I find a totally natural hair dye? A henna hair dye that comes in a variety of hair colors?I wish the following comments were not true, but sadly they are real experiences of people literally caught in a hair dye dilemma: They’ve had serious allergic reaction to hair dye containing (PPD)*, (PTD)*, ammonia, peroxide and other synthetic chemicals and now they are at a real loss as to what to do. They are searching for a natural alternative to chemical hair dye so they can avoid allergic reaction. However, many times just don’t know where to begin to find a totally natural hair dye.
A PPD Allergy experience
“I was covering the grey in my dark brown hair for years without a problem, then suddenly last year my scalp blew up with swollen patches, itchy rash all over my forehead, and my head felt like it was on fire. I kept dying my hair because I didn't make the connection--how could I react to something I'd been using for years? It took three doctors before someone figured it out...”*Severe PTD Allergy
“I too had a severe allergic reaction to hair dye that does not contain PPD but a derivative of it - PTD. I was only doing highlights the past few years and finally decided it was time for bit more coverage due to graying. The stylist used products by K…G… due to the fact they do not contain PPD…After the first all over hair color I did experience some mild scalp itching, gone by the next …. 8 to 12 weeks later I went back for a color touch up and this was where the nightmare began...By the time I got home my scalp was itching, escalated as the night wore on. I did realize at this point what had happened weeks ago was a precursor to what was happening to me now. I took some Benadryl - spent the night in sheer agony. I never experienced such horrible itching in all my life, my head was so inflamed and swollen my hair on the top of my head was standing up!
In the morning I knew something was extremely wrong! My face & neck were swollen beyond recognition, I was a total rash with blistering most importantly my throat was swelling and I was having trouble breathing. My husband rushed me to the E.R…
This was seven months ago and I am still dealing with the after effects, massive hair loss and re-growth, itching, etc. Has anyone out there suffered to this degree and when does it end?” –Debra.*
Reader, please don't wait until you suffer an allergic reaction to the harmful effects from not using a natural hair dye. Henna hair dye is plant based and Lustrous Henna® comes in a variety of shades to enhance your natural hair color. Allergic reaction to pure henna is extremely rare.
Benefits of Lustrous Henna® Natural Hair Dye
Improves overall health of your hair, instead of stripping your hair from natural protein needed for healthy hair growth.
- Nontoxic, contains no chemicals such as Para-phenlenediamine (PPD).
- Lustrous Henna® hair dye also does not contain ammonia, peroxide, or other synthetic dyes.
- The FDA (of USA) has approved henna hair dye as the only safe and effective alternative for natural hair color.
- Lustrous Henna® hair dye is laboratory certified to be totally free of chemicals and other contaminants.
The Search for All Natural Hair Dye Ends Here: Lustrous Henna® Hair Dye
* Para-phenylenediamine (PPD and Paratoluenediamine (PTD) are aniline dyes that are commonly used in hair color dyes pigments. They are derived from petroleum products. In large concentrations or after years of repeated usage, they have been known to cause allergic reaction that can result in skin, eye and bronchial irritations or worse. Source: on file.
©2010-2015. L.J. O'Neal. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Do not copy or reprint this article without the consent of the author or Saba Botanical of USA.
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*Even though our herbal ingredients have been used in natural medicine for centuries, we must add the following disclaimer: The herbs, formulas, and recipes contained within this web site are not to be considered substitutes for proper medical and health care. As with any other medicine, if you are sick, you should consult a physician to find out if the herbal preparations listed here are right for you. Saba Botanical does not make any medical claims nor warranties regarding the use of the products listed on this site. No matter how natural a product is, it may have a potential of causing side effects and allergic reaction on certain individuals. You should consult your physician before taking any medication.